About Me

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Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Im just an 19 year old girl that loves to have fun and do weird things with my crazy ass friends. I experiment a lot and I wish I had certain things. Not all fashionable, my wish list is bigger than what I have. I'm just an average girl that unfortunately, cant get a job AT ALL in my life. fckn fayetteville. Smh. I love my life right now no matter how many times i say I hate it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

i been feelin like shit lately in the AM

Usually around this time in the morning I be feeling sick to my stomach. All i do is lay down and i feel like i have to throw up. I been feeling like this all week. I dont know what is wrong with me.
Then When i go to the bathroom and sit on the floor waiting for it to come, nothing happens. I mean, my period doesnt come on for a while soo….. its not early symptoms and if it was, i wud be poppin pills cuz of early pains but i dont do that.
•Eating more than usual
•Sleeping like literally all day everyday to the point, i dont realize i was sleep. like 10 hours than the usual 6 i manage to get.
•Back Pain. Wait, i rule that out because i have always had back pain.
•My tummy feeling weird.
•Emotional. Like, i literally just cried over nothing 2 minutes ago.

Ughh.. im not pregnant. so what the hell can it be. U kno what, ima borrow a couple dollars from my mom when she goes on break. (if i remember to wake up on time.) and buy me a pregnancy test. If i am, ughhh! Y! i changed my mind on kids a long time ago. ima jux go back to the bathroom and sit on the floor. I still dont feel good.

that is my new blog.... i have been MIA for a while now tho. but i think im back.
